It's sooo cold outside today, think it's like in the 30's!! The only time I like cold weather is if it snows! Anyways Tyler is doing great! We had a clinic appt. on Monday and he was 11lbs and 23in! His lungs sounded great and they said that he was doing just fine!! I always love going to see his Dr's b/c they always reassure me that everything is okay. :) He had a little bit of a cold so he's on antibiotics for 10days and eye drops for 5days. He's doing alot better now.. :) His Dr's said that he's not on the curve yet for his weight, but he's very close so that to get him there quicker we are having to add about 3tbsp of rice cereal to 3 bottles a day. We could either do that or spoon feed the cereal to him, well I tried that, but then he wouldn't take his bottle! Soooo I'm just going to stick to putting the cereal in his bottles for now. Well I hope everyone enjoyed the Holiday's, we sure did! It was Tyler's first and he got loads of stuff.... don't know where I'm going to put it all!! Oh and Tyler rolled over on Sunday night and has been on the roll since! LOL Well Tyler just woke up so gotta go!
This is what Santa brought Ty, and he was trying ot poop in this pic..LOL
This is us at Kelly's Dad's house on Christmas night, think Ty was distracted by
Playing in his jumperoo his Nee-Nee & Pa-Pa got him.
Love this pic, he's like.. "Whaat?" LOL
After opening Christmas presents, he was tiiired lol

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