Tyler is snoozing right now, we just got back from seeing his Pedi. so that he could get his Synagis shot to help protect him from RSV. He did NOT like it at all! It broke my heart b/c he was smiling and playing then the next thing you know the nurse gave him the shot and his face turned SOOO red and he was crying..my poooor baby :( I told him it was for his own good and that he wouldn't remember it later. He is up to about 12lbs 13oz, last Fri when he went he was 13lbs, but I don't think it was accurate b/c the nurse(which I don't really like) weighed him with his clothes on. Dr. said he looked great though and his weight was fine. We were feeding him rice cereal and oatmeal, but I think he was getting too much at one time and his little bottle couldn't handle all of it, so his Pedi. told me to spread it out and put alittle cereal in each bottle. I told him I wanted to wait to spoon feed him when he's 6 months when his digestive system is more dev. Anyways he just woke up so I'm going to go!!! Happy 5 months again to my baby!!!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tyler is snoozing right now, we just got back from seeing his Pedi. so that he could get his Synagis shot to help protect him from RSV. He did NOT like it at all! It broke my heart b/c he was smiling and playing then the next thing you know the nurse gave him the shot and his face turned SOOO red and he was crying..my poooor baby :( I told him it was for his own good and that he wouldn't remember it later. He is up to about 12lbs 13oz, last Fri when he went he was 13lbs, but I don't think it was accurate b/c the nurse(which I don't really like) weighed him with his clothes on. Dr. said he looked great though and his weight was fine. We were feeding him rice cereal and oatmeal, but I think he was getting too much at one time and his little bottle couldn't handle all of it, so his Pedi. told me to spread it out and put alittle cereal in each bottle. I told him I wanted to wait to spoon feed him when he's 6 months when his digestive system is more dev. Anyways he just woke up so I'm going to go!!! Happy 5 months again to my baby!!!!!
Happy 5 Months LiL'Man!
Today Tyler is 5 months old! He is getting so big!! Seems like just yesterday that he was born. Have been through ALOT these past 5 months, but we have gotten through it and everything is great! Tyler is doing wonderful! He is loving his walker we bought him a few weeks ago, his feet can now touch the floor and he is on the move! He can't figure out how to go forwards on it, but he can go backwards..LOL sooo cute! He's also rolling over like a pro now, gotta keep an eye on him! He's growing sooo fast, he is now in 3-6 month clothing and can no longer wear his 0-3 month stuff. He can also fit in some 6 month stuff just depends. He is around 13lbs now, we are getting ready to go to see his Pedi. to get a shot that he's going to get once a month for 5 months, it's for RSV to help prevent him from getting it really bad if he were to ever get it, which I hope he never does...that stuff scares me! I will do everything I can to keep him healthy.
Well we have decided not to put our townhouse up for rent and move. I got to thinking about it and I feel that it would be best if we just stayed in our townhome for a couple years until the market gets better and then try to sale it b/c if we tried to sale it now we would lose money and be in more debt! Sooo we are gonna stay put and continue to work on paying some bills off. We just need to be happy with what we have, alot of ppl don't have alot and wish they had what we had. It's not a bad place it's just we want a yard and alittle more room, but it'll be okay! Well it's off to the Dr.! Will let everyone know how much he weighs!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Happy Bday to me!!
Well today is my 26th birthday....Happy Birthday to me!!!! I already have the best present ever and that's Tyler!!!! :) I have had a great day so far, going to eat w/the Family tonight at my Sister's, she's cooking her Famous Spaghetti..YUMMY!
Well not too much has been going on lately, I have had a hard time with Tyler and his bottles. He has been crying while he's drinking them and we have been trying everything to see what's going on. His Pedi. said that he was fine sooo IDK!! He has done alot better today though, I think it could have been some gas and his reflux and the fact that he wont take a nap worth 2 cent sooo he's overtired! He is actually asleep right now and has been for over 3o min which is great! He needs a good nap. Other than that he has been doing great! He is up to 13lbs now..wooo whooo! Sooo happy!!
Well we have decided to put our townhome up for rent so we are going to be moving in w/my parents in the next couple of weeks. The company that is going to rent it out for us said that it would rent quicker if we weren't living in it...soooo I'll be doing some packing this week..yay! I hate packing b/c then you realize how much junk you have! Well that's it for now...going to go check on my little man!
Well not too much has been going on lately, I have had a hard time with Tyler and his bottles. He has been crying while he's drinking them and we have been trying everything to see what's going on. His Pedi. said that he was fine sooo IDK!! He has done alot better today though, I think it could have been some gas and his reflux and the fact that he wont take a nap worth 2 cent sooo he's overtired! He is actually asleep right now and has been for over 3o min which is great! He needs a good nap. Other than that he has been doing great! He is up to 13lbs now..wooo whooo! Sooo happy!!
Well we have decided to put our townhome up for rent so we are going to be moving in w/my parents in the next couple of weeks. The company that is going to rent it out for us said that it would rent quicker if we weren't living in it...soooo I'll be doing some packing this week..yay! I hate packing b/c then you realize how much junk you have! Well that's it for now...going to go check on my little man!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Tyler LOVES to eat!
Exuse the mess in the background!!
Tyler LOVES to eat!! I have been giving him cereal for the past few weeks now and he'll eat it okay with just rice cereal and formula mixed in with it, but then he'll spit it out and it takes FOREVER for him to finish it all...soooo I mixed in some pears(which he LOVES!) and he ate it ALL up!!! Here's the end result...
Just thought I'd share, hope everyone had a great day!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Not much going on...
Well I haven't written in awhile, but I don't have too much to write about. This weekend has been a great one. Hung out at my Sister's Friday night and they cooked fish b/c Kelly has been bugging them to cook some..LOL then yesterday was my friend Ashley's baby shower...she's due in Feb. It was a really nice shower, we played games..one in which I was one of the winners, they had 5 diapers w/melted chocolate bars in them and you had to guess what it was!! I'm good at that, I LOVE chocolate! :) Then my Dad grilled some BBQ chicken and my cousin Jamie and her Hubby came over and hung out. We also took our dog Sam over to my parents house to stay for awhile so that we can sale our townhome. He usually stays out on our back patio, but he tears it up and we can't keep it clean and we figured that wouldn't look good when trying to sale. It's weird not having him here though...I miss my Sambo!! :) Then today we went to Kelly's Mom's house to hang out and so that she could see Tyler, she don't get to see him alot. They live like an hour or so away from here. So we ate lunch over there and then came back home. Tyler was cranky, guess from being put in the car seat so much( which he HATES!) and not being at home and on our regular schedule.
Sooo now he's sound asleep in his swing...yes his swing. He did great in his cradle the first couple nights then he started to wake up and he would wiggle and wiggle, we wouldn't cry or anything then he'd fall back asleep. He did this all night long and it kept waking me up then he would finally wake up at around 2 or so and cry so then we'd give him a bottle and he'd go back to sleep. He did that for a couple nights. Soooo last night I wanted both of us to get some rest sooo I put him in his swing...We'll start all over again tomorrow night transitioning him from his swing to cradle.
Hmm not much else to say...think i'm going to get ready and go to bed. Goodnight!
Our dog Sam
Sooo now he's sound asleep in his swing...yes his swing. He did great in his cradle the first couple nights then he started to wake up and he would wiggle and wiggle, we wouldn't cry or anything then he'd fall back asleep. He did this all night long and it kept waking me up then he would finally wake up at around 2 or so and cry so then we'd give him a bottle and he'd go back to sleep. He did that for a couple nights. Soooo last night I wanted both of us to get some rest sooo I put him in his swing...We'll start all over again tomorrow night transitioning him from his swing to cradle.
Hmm not much else to say...think i'm going to get ready and go to bed. Goodnight!

Monday, January 11, 2010
4 Month Check-up
Today Tyler had his 4 month well visit. He was 11lbs 7 1/2 oz , 23in!! He's getting SOO big! He's Pedi. wasn't all that happy with his weight though, he said that he wanted him to weigh more, well his CF Dr's at Duke were fine with his weight gain and said he was on his on little weight curve and that he was just fine. I mean we just started feeding him rice cereal last week soo that should help him gain some more weight. It's just soo hard to hear his CF Dr/nutritionist say that he's doing just fine and everything looks great and then he see's his Pedi. and he says something totally diff. I mean he wasn't real worried about his weight he just said that he wanted to give Ty the benefit of the doubt cause he could weigh more. Well I think he's doing just fine, he's happy and eating just fine. If his CF Dr at Duke is happy then I'm happy! :)
While I was feeding Tyler tonight and rocking him in his room, I just looked at him in amazament!! Kelly and I created the most beautiful/perfect baby! It's just sooo amazing how two ppl can create something so great! I love him more and more each and everyday. He's getting his own little personality and is growing/changing everyday. I LOVE being a Mommy and being able to stay at home with him. I don't think that I would be able to work all day and not be with my baby. I feel like I would miss out on soo much, I feel soo lucky/blessed to have him and to be able to stay at home. It's been a long/tuff 4months, but we have gotten through it and I feel that I am stronger b/c of it. With all that is out there I feel very strongly about Tyler's future...it's looking bright!! Hopefully in the near future they will have found a cure for CF...let's hope/pray for that day!
Well Tyler has been sleeping through the night for a few months now and has been sleeping in his swing beside our bed everynight. He does great...but now I feel that it's time to start to transition him to his crib... :( I'm not ready for that, sooooo we have a cradle that was kelly's when he was a baby so we have put that in the bedroom beside the bed for Tyler to sleep in. I figure that it would give him a chance to get used to sleeping without rocking in his swing all night. Plus he's still in the room with me..LOL. :) Then after maybe...let's say....a month? I'll transition him to his crib in his room. Plus it's sooo cold cause Kelly keeps the heat down to save on the heat bill and we keep a space heater on in our room at night to keep it warm...sooo it's cold in Tyler's room and I don't want him to be cold! I know I know...exuses, exuses!! I'm just not ready for him to be in his own room yet, I like to be able to roll over and see him and know that he's okay. He's in the cradle right now..he's been asleep for about 30 min now. We'll see how tonight goes, hopefully he'll sleep through the night, I think he'll do just fine though.
Well I think that's it for now....I hope I didn't bore anyone too much!!
While I was feeding Tyler tonight and rocking him in his room, I just looked at him in amazament!! Kelly and I created the most beautiful/perfect baby! It's just sooo amazing how two ppl can create something so great! I love him more and more each and everyday. He's getting his own little personality and is growing/changing everyday. I LOVE being a Mommy and being able to stay at home with him. I don't think that I would be able to work all day and not be with my baby. I feel like I would miss out on soo much, I feel soo lucky/blessed to have him and to be able to stay at home. It's been a long/tuff 4months, but we have gotten through it and I feel that I am stronger b/c of it. With all that is out there I feel very strongly about Tyler's future...it's looking bright!! Hopefully in the near future they will have found a cure for CF...let's hope/pray for that day!
Well Tyler has been sleeping through the night for a few months now and has been sleeping in his swing beside our bed everynight. He does great...but now I feel that it's time to start to transition him to his crib... :( I'm not ready for that, sooooo we have a cradle that was kelly's when he was a baby so we have put that in the bedroom beside the bed for Tyler to sleep in. I figure that it would give him a chance to get used to sleeping without rocking in his swing all night. Plus he's still in the room with me..LOL. :) Then after maybe...let's say....a month? I'll transition him to his crib in his room. Plus it's sooo cold cause Kelly keeps the heat down to save on the heat bill and we keep a space heater on in our room at night to keep it warm...sooo it's cold in Tyler's room and I don't want him to be cold! I know I know...exuses, exuses!! I'm just not ready for him to be in his own room yet, I like to be able to roll over and see him and know that he's okay. He's in the cradle right now..he's been asleep for about 30 min now. We'll see how tonight goes, hopefully he'll sleep through the night, I think he'll do just fine though.
Well I think that's it for now....I hope I didn't bore anyone too much!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
It's cold!!!
It's sooo cold outside today, think it's like in the 30's!! The only time I like cold weather is if it snows! Anyways Tyler is doing great! We had a clinic appt. on Monday and he was 11lbs and 23in! His lungs sounded great and they said that he was doing just fine!! I always love going to see his Dr's b/c they always reassure me that everything is okay. :) He had a little bit of a cold so he's on antibiotics for 10days and eye drops for 5days. He's doing alot better now.. :) His Dr's said that he's not on the curve yet for his weight, but he's very close so that to get him there quicker we are having to add about 3tbsp of rice cereal to 3 bottles a day. We could either do that or spoon feed the cereal to him, well I tried that, but then he wouldn't take his bottle! Soooo I'm just going to stick to putting the cereal in his bottles for now. Well I hope everyone enjoyed the Holiday's, we sure did! It was Tyler's first and he got loads of stuff.... don't know where I'm going to put it all!! Oh and Tyler rolled over on Sunday night and has been on the roll since! LOL Well Tyler just woke up so gotta go!
This is what Santa brought Ty, and he was trying ot poop in this pic..LOL
This is us at Kelly's Dad's house on Christmas night, think Ty was distracted by something..lol
Playing in his jumperoo his Nee-Nee & Pa-Pa got him.
Love this pic, he's like.. "Whaat?" LOL
After opening Christmas presents, he was tiiired lol

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Tyler's CF diagnoses
This is something that I posted on another website about Tyler's diagnoses, I wrote this back in October, Tyler is now 4 months and 5 days old and somewhere b/w 11lbs and 11lbs 8oz. We will find out on Monday when we go back up to Duke for a checkup! Tyler is doing sooo well and is growing and changing so much everyday!! We were soo heartbroken when we found out that he had CF, I think I went into a state of mourning...but the more that we learned about CF and about all the research and treatments we started to feel alot better and more positive about our son's future. I love him soo much we wouldn't trade him for the world and we feel SOOO blessed to have him!!!
While I was pregnant with Tyler I got a test done to see if I was a carrier of Cystic Fibrosis, the only reason I did this was b/c it runs on my Husbands side of the family. Well my test came back negative so we didn't think we had anything to worry about. Well Tyler was born on 8/28/2009 weighing in at 5lbs 6oz 18in and just as handsome as can be! Well they do what is called a newborn screening on all babies when they are born to test for all kinds of diseases, well CF was added to the list just recently. Well two weeks went by and all was well until we went in for a weight check at his pedi. office. They then told us that his newborn screening came back positive for CF. They told us that one gene was found and that it more than likley meant that he was a carrier since I tested neg. Well it was routine to follow up with what is called a sweat test to test the sweat chloride levels and if it's high then it means they have CF. So we went up to Duke Children's Hospital to get that done and still we weren't too worried. We got the results later that day and it wasn't good news...the sweat test was positive! We were in total shock! They told us that I must have a very rare gene that didn't pick up on my test. So they took some blood from Tyler and sent it off to do a full genetic testing to find the other gene and to conform that he has CF. Well this took FOREVER to get back...alittle over a month! Until then we had to continue going up to Duke for checkups and weigh ins, chest xray and other tests. He did great on all of them. Chest xray came back CLEAR..yay! He was put on enzymes to help him digest his formula so that he could gain weight and was put on a different formula to also help with that. They want him to gain 1oz a day and so far so good! He now weight 7lbs4oz and is doing soo great! He's a strong little guy! Well we just got the genetics test back and they did find the other CF gene and was clinicaly diagnosed with CF. The two CF genes that he has is mainly in the pancreas and mild to moderate in the lungs. Sooo hopefully he will have and exremely mild case!!! We have been praying everyday and God has been blessing us!! They are very impressed with how healthy he is and we intend to keep him that way with whatever we can do! We currently do chest PT's to help keep his lungs clear. We hope to get him on a clinical trial doing hypertonic saline, they are having so much positive feedback from that med. and whatever we can do to help Tyler and to help others with CF that's what we will do!! With so much that is out there...treatments and research on CF I feel good about my sons future and everyone else's! I will continue to have updated on Tyler and how he is doing so feel free to leave me comments or ask any questions!
While I was pregnant with Tyler I got a test done to see if I was a carrier of Cystic Fibrosis, the only reason I did this was b/c it runs on my Husbands side of the family. Well my test came back negative so we didn't think we had anything to worry about. Well Tyler was born on 8/28/2009 weighing in at 5lbs 6oz 18in and just as handsome as can be! Well they do what is called a newborn screening on all babies when they are born to test for all kinds of diseases, well CF was added to the list just recently. Well two weeks went by and all was well until we went in for a weight check at his pedi. office. They then told us that his newborn screening came back positive for CF. They told us that one gene was found and that it more than likley meant that he was a carrier since I tested neg. Well it was routine to follow up with what is called a sweat test to test the sweat chloride levels and if it's high then it means they have CF. So we went up to Duke Children's Hospital to get that done and still we weren't too worried. We got the results later that day and it wasn't good news...the sweat test was positive! We were in total shock! They told us that I must have a very rare gene that didn't pick up on my test. So they took some blood from Tyler and sent it off to do a full genetic testing to find the other gene and to conform that he has CF. Well this took FOREVER to get back...alittle over a month! Until then we had to continue going up to Duke for checkups and weigh ins, chest xray and other tests. He did great on all of them. Chest xray came back CLEAR..yay! He was put on enzymes to help him digest his formula so that he could gain weight and was put on a different formula to also help with that. They want him to gain 1oz a day and so far so good! He now weight 7lbs4oz and is doing soo great! He's a strong little guy! Well we just got the genetics test back and they did find the other CF gene and was clinicaly diagnosed with CF. The two CF genes that he has is mainly in the pancreas and mild to moderate in the lungs. Sooo hopefully he will have and exremely mild case!!! We have been praying everyday and God has been blessing us!! They are very impressed with how healthy he is and we intend to keep him that way with whatever we can do! We currently do chest PT's to help keep his lungs clear. We hope to get him on a clinical trial doing hypertonic saline, they are having so much positive feedback from that med. and whatever we can do to help Tyler and to help others with CF that's what we will do!! With so much that is out there...treatments and research on CF I feel good about my sons future and everyone else's! I will continue to have updated on Tyler and how he is doing so feel free to leave me comments or ask any questions!
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