I don't even know where to begin! I have neglected this site and feel bad b/c my Aunts like to keep up with what is going on with Tyler...so I'm sorry! Last time I posted Tyler was 9months old, he is now 16months!
So much has happened, Tyler is getting so big and doing so much now! Of course he is walking, talking( sometimes we can't understand it, but it's his own language haha ) and he absolutley LOVES to dance, he weighs about 22lbs and is alittle over 31in and has 12 teeth and working on two more!
Okay lets start with his Birthday...he had a great one! We had family and a few friends over and cooked hamburgers and hotdogs and had a great time! Then there was Halloween, he dressed up as a lion and we went to the Trunk or Treat at Church then came back home and went trick or treating around our neighborhood with our next door neighbor and her daughter kamdyn. Thanksgiving was great too, ate way too much same for Christmas! Christmas was awesome, we did Christmas Eve Dinner with my family out our house since it was our first Christmas in our new house. Tyler got SOOO many toys that I have not idea what to do with, we are running out of room in his playroom. Of course Santa came and brought him a few things and the only toy he was interested in was his vacuum...that boy LOVES a vacuum and broom! Man I have so many pics to post up here! It's going to take me awhile.. :)
I did go back to work, I work at the Daycare that Tyler goes to and we love it! He just moved up to the Toddler room....he is just growing up too fast... :( Oh yeah and my Sister adopted another baby, a little boy and they named him Tripp and he is too cute! Him and Ty are only 11months apart so they can grow up together...so sweet!
Tyler's next CF appt is on Wed. I'm hoping for good reports, his last throat culture he had 3 diff. bacterias they didn't like so he was on 3 antibiotics for a month...poor baby, so I'm hoping and Praying that it comes back clear this time.
Well I think that about sums it up..I'm sure I have missed something, but I will have to start keeping this site updated from now on. I will def. get some pics up soon, have to upload them to the computer later on. Bye for now!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
9 Month appt/Father's Day wknd
Ty had his 9month checkup today, it's kinda late b/c he's about to be 10months! Anyways everything was great, his Dr. was happy with his weight gain and overall progress, he is now 17lbs 12oz and 27in. Sooo happy that he is doing so great!!
This past weekend we spent the weekend at the beach with my Parents, Sister, Niece and Brother-in-law. We had a blast playing card games, shopping and just hanging out and bonding. Then on Sunday we came back home and went to Kelly's Grandparents house to spend time with them, his Mom and Sister. Ty got in the pool w/Daddy and tested out his new float my Mom bought him, he loved it! He LOVES the water! I got Kelly a card that you could record on and recorded Ty babbling and gave it to him for Father's Day and he loved it! I think Kelly enojoyed his first Father's Day!
Ty now has 6 teeth! 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. He isn't fussy anymore since they have popped through...ahhhh relieve for him and I! LOL :) Ty can also stand by himself for a few seconds before plopping on the floor...he can also clap while standing by himself, he's so talented! He loves clapping and doing pat-a-cake..that's his new trick, I'll say pat-a-cake and he'll start clapping his hands! Smart little boy..he's growing and changing so fast...he'll be 10months old on the 28th...oh man! Can't believe we'll be celebrating his 1st Bday soon! Speaking of that, I need to get a move on and start planning his party! AHHHHH!!!!!
Well I'm still job searching...not sure if I mentioned up here about going back to work...not wanting to, but we could use the extra money right now. The economy sucks right now!!!! I can't find a job, was hoping that I could go back to working where I was at before, but they haven't called me back yet. Just really stressing about going back to work and putting Ty in a day care....I just hope that I am making the right decisions...I just don't want him around alot of germs..but I think that he'll be okay in an in home daycare where there aren't alot of kids. I just feel like if I go back to work that I wont have alot of time with Ty..that just upsets me thinking about it. :( I'm sure that everything will be okay and work it's self out. Well going to go for now..think that's about it on everything that has happened lately.
This past weekend we spent the weekend at the beach with my Parents, Sister, Niece and Brother-in-law. We had a blast playing card games, shopping and just hanging out and bonding. Then on Sunday we came back home and went to Kelly's Grandparents house to spend time with them, his Mom and Sister. Ty got in the pool w/Daddy and tested out his new float my Mom bought him, he loved it! He LOVES the water! I got Kelly a card that you could record on and recorded Ty babbling and gave it to him for Father's Day and he loved it! I think Kelly enojoyed his first Father's Day!
Ty now has 6 teeth! 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. He isn't fussy anymore since they have popped through...ahhhh relieve for him and I! LOL :) Ty can also stand by himself for a few seconds before plopping on the floor...he can also clap while standing by himself, he's so talented! He loves clapping and doing pat-a-cake..that's his new trick, I'll say pat-a-cake and he'll start clapping his hands! Smart little boy..he's growing and changing so fast...he'll be 10months old on the 28th...oh man! Can't believe we'll be celebrating his 1st Bday soon! Speaking of that, I need to get a move on and start planning his party! AHHHHH!!!!!
Well I'm still job searching...not sure if I mentioned up here about going back to work...not wanting to, but we could use the extra money right now. The economy sucks right now!!!! I can't find a job, was hoping that I could go back to working where I was at before, but they haven't called me back yet. Just really stressing about going back to work and putting Ty in a day care....I just hope that I am making the right decisions...I just don't want him around alot of germs..but I think that he'll be okay in an in home daycare where there aren't alot of kids. I just feel like if I go back to work that I wont have alot of time with Ty..that just upsets me thinking about it. :( I'm sure that everything will be okay and work it's self out. Well going to go for now..think that's about it on everything that has happened lately.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dear Tyler's top teeth,
Please come through already!! You have turned my poor sweet little boy into a whiney/fussy/cranky baby! I dislike teething and wish for you to give my baby some relief so that I can have my sweet baby back! Thank you so much!
One tired Momma
Please come through already!! You have turned my poor sweet little boy into a whiney/fussy/cranky baby! I dislike teething and wish for you to give my baby some relief so that I can have my sweet baby back! Thank you so much!
One tired Momma
Sunday, May 30, 2010
9 Months!
As of Thursday the 28th my baby is now 9 months old! Man how time flies!!!! He's beg. to look so growny and is a busy body! His two top teeth are still coming through...I can see them alittle bit, but I think since they have poked through he has some releif b/c he's sleep MUCH better at night now. He'll wake up once or twice, but will go right back to sleep and wakes up around 4:00am and gets in the bed w/Mommy & Daddy :) ! He's a mess though, but we love him!
We went to Church this morning and it was nice, but we got "kicked" out, b/c Ty was getting fussy and making noise soooo we went out, but they had a room where you could still watch the service and all, soo it wont too bad. We had never been to that Church before, but I'd like to go back. Next time I'll put him in the nursery so he can play w/the other kids and we wont get "kicked" out again! LOL They were nice about it though, they were taping the service so that they could put it online and they said that the speakers were sensitive and hearing a baby cry on it would mess it up and plus disturb others. I didn't want to put him in the nursery, b/c I have never left him anywhere like that before, plus I didn't know them and had never been there before and I thought he'd do fine, but he hadn't had a nap so he was tired and restless. He did pretty well overall though!
Well my stomach is growling and I'm sure Ty's is too, so we're going to get something to eat..!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Day in the life of a CF Mom & Child
Well everything's going great! Ty's eating a little snack as I type! I just thought I'd share what a day w/a CF child is like...I had seen this on another blog and thought I'd do one too...plus I'm bored..LOL here goes
*Our Day*
7:00am-Wake up for the day!
7:30am- Ty gets an 8oz bottle w/2 enzymes and 1/4 tsp of salt and his prilosec(YUMMY LOL)
7:30am-8:30am- Play/watch cartoons...Mommy eats her breakfast
8:30am- Ty gets a stage 2 jar of fruit and his sippy cup w/water or left over formula if he didn't finish it in his first bottle.
9:00am- Go for a walk( just started this today)
9:45am-Chest PT for 12min and he falls asleep and naps for about 30-45min
10:00am- Mommy gets a shower
10:30am- Ty gets a snack w/his sippy cup
11:30am- 8oz bottle
12:00pm- Daddy comes home for lunch!
12:30pm- Lunch time! Ty gets a stage 2 jar of vegies along w/his sippy cup Then we all watch Young and the Restless..LOL
1:30pm-nap time for Ty! He sleeps anywhere from 30-45min
2:30pm-Snack time! Ty usually gets yogurt
3:30pm- 8oz bottle
4:00/4:30pm- Ty sometimes gets another nap in depending on how his last nap went or if he seems cranky/sleepy.
5:30pm- Daddy comes home! Ty plays w/Daddy and watches cartoons while we decide on what we're doing for dinner
6:00pm- Dinnertime! Ty gets a stage 2 jar of veggies and his sippy cup
6:30/7:00pm- Bathtime! Ty LOVES bathtime! After that we do his treatment(Chest PT) for 12min sometimes I'll read a book while Daddy gets his bottle ready
7:30/8:00pm- 8oz bottle w/vitamins in it which makes it orange looking(YUMMY! LOL) I call it his orange milk! He gets his prilosec and 2 enzymes then bedtime! Then it's Mommy and Daddy time! Ty may wake up a couple times a night, but will go back to sleep then around 4:00/4:30am he'll wake up and I'll let him sleep in the bed w/us then he'll wake up around 7:00am and we start our day all over again! Some days we might venture out and go riding around, go grocery shopping or go see Aunt Jan or eat lunch w/family.
Soo really Ty's day is no diff. than a child who doesn't have CF...sometimes we might have to add in antibiotics depending on his cultures. Ty has really been healthy so far...no colds except for a runny nose and watery eyes, but I think he has allergies..but that's a whole diff. post! :)
Also thought I'd share that Ty's 2 top teeth are coming in!! And he'll be 9month old tomorrow! MAN how time fly's...well gotta go Ty's getting fussy!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Lazy days...
Here are a few pics...will post more later!!!!

Ty's first time in the pool!

Great Strides walk!

New house!
Ty's first time in the pool!
Great Strides walk!
New house!
Today was my lazy day....I usually get up and load the dishwasher and clean up, but today I told my Hubby that the maid was off today...LOL!!!! Ty and I just hung out today, I went and turned in an application at a daycare like 5 min from the house....yes you heard that right I am looking for a job **sigh**. I'd rather continue being a Stay At Home Mom, but if I want some spending money as we all know I LOVE shopping then I've got to go back to work. Plus after buying a brand new home we could use the extra cash. We found an in home daycare for Tyler to go to, it's really nice and the lady is sweet. I just don't want Ty in a big daycare with LOTS of kids and all those germs right now. He has been doing great so far and I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible. I have a really really strong feeling that his CF is a mild case and I Hope/Pray that I am right! :)
Well Kelly is going to be gone this weekend, him, my Dad and his Dad are going to the race in Charlotte(sp?) so my Mom is coming to spend the weekend w/us! We're having a sleepover..yay! LOL :) So we'll probally just hang out and go shopping or something...LOL :) I def. gotta clean up tomorrow before my Mom comes over!!!!
Well I'm exhausted from doing so much today..HAHA! gnight!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Long time no see!
Oh man where do I even begin!? It's been awhile since I have posted anything! Well let's see...
Our new House- We are FINALLY settled in our brand new house and we are LOVING it! It's exactly what I wanted and couldn't have asked for anything better. Kelly said it was my Mother's Day present and that was fine by me! The day that we started to move in was the day of the Great Strides walk here in our town, it was the first time they have done it here and they had a great turnout! I met another mother who has a 11 or 12yr old girl who was diagnosed w/CF at the age of 3 and she was doing great! It's soo nice to talk to other mother's who know what eachother are going through. Which reminds me, since we just got our internet back up and running I need to email that mother...she probablly thinks I didn't want to talk to her! Okay....sorry was thinking out loud..LOL! Let's see...
Tyler- Ty's doing great! He's about 17lbs now and still LOVES to eat! We got rid of that nasty bacteria (PA)...that was the best thing ever...his culture coming back clear! He also had a Infant Lunf Function test done and he did awesome! His numbers were high and they said that his lung function was NORMAL..ohh man that was the best thing I have ever heard!
Ty and I went and spent the day at the beach this past Sunday w/my Mom, Sister and Niece Lilly. Ty had the best time, he played in the sand and LOVED the water! I was so surprised that he didn't cry, but he crawled right to the water and splashed in it...he was so cute! He just loves the water...I bought him a baby pool and he enjoys that.
Ty's moving all over the place now, crawling, pulling up and getting into EVERYTHING! Guess it's time to Tyler proff the house! LOL :) He is also teething, his top teeth are trying to come through and oh my goodness has he been a cranky monkey! He hasn't been sleeping well at night, he'll sleep half the night in his crib and the other half in the bed w/us...I know..bad habit, but I'm SOOOO tired at night that I just give in and let him sleep w/us, plus I love cuddling w/my baby. :) He got his first boo-boo yesterday, he was playing w/a box that was in our bedroom and when he pulled up on it he fell back and the box went on top of him(it wasn't a heavy box and it didn't have anything in it. Well when I went to pick him up he had blood EVERYWHERE coming out of his mouth..I freaked and got him all cleaned up and he was fine. Man he scared me....I know it wont be his last boo-boo..but geez! Oh yeah Tyler's new tricks are dancing and waving..he LOVES to dance, it's the cutest thing ever!
Well I know there is more to write about , but it's getting late and Ty just woke up so I need to go see if he's okay and get him back to sleep. Sorry it took so long and I will def. get some pics up soon!
Our new House- We are FINALLY settled in our brand new house and we are LOVING it! It's exactly what I wanted and couldn't have asked for anything better. Kelly said it was my Mother's Day present and that was fine by me! The day that we started to move in was the day of the Great Strides walk here in our town, it was the first time they have done it here and they had a great turnout! I met another mother who has a 11 or 12yr old girl who was diagnosed w/CF at the age of 3 and she was doing great! It's soo nice to talk to other mother's who know what eachother are going through. Which reminds me, since we just got our internet back up and running I need to email that mother...she probablly thinks I didn't want to talk to her! Okay....sorry was thinking out loud..LOL! Let's see...
Tyler- Ty's doing great! He's about 17lbs now and still LOVES to eat! We got rid of that nasty bacteria (PA)...that was the best thing ever...his culture coming back clear! He also had a Infant Lunf Function test done and he did awesome! His numbers were high and they said that his lung function was NORMAL..ohh man that was the best thing I have ever heard!
Ty and I went and spent the day at the beach this past Sunday w/my Mom, Sister and Niece Lilly. Ty had the best time, he played in the sand and LOVED the water! I was so surprised that he didn't cry, but he crawled right to the water and splashed in it...he was so cute! He just loves the water...I bought him a baby pool and he enjoys that.
Ty's moving all over the place now, crawling, pulling up and getting into EVERYTHING! Guess it's time to Tyler proff the house! LOL :) He is also teething, his top teeth are trying to come through and oh my goodness has he been a cranky monkey! He hasn't been sleeping well at night, he'll sleep half the night in his crib and the other half in the bed w/us...I know..bad habit, but I'm SOOOO tired at night that I just give in and let him sleep w/us, plus I love cuddling w/my baby. :) He got his first boo-boo yesterday, he was playing w/a box that was in our bedroom and when he pulled up on it he fell back and the box went on top of him(it wasn't a heavy box and it didn't have anything in it. Well when I went to pick him up he had blood EVERYWHERE coming out of his mouth..I freaked and got him all cleaned up and he was fine. Man he scared me....I know it wont be his last boo-boo..but geez! Oh yeah Tyler's new tricks are dancing and waving..he LOVES to dance, it's the cutest thing ever!
Well I know there is more to write about , but it's getting late and Ty just woke up so I need to go see if he's okay and get him back to sleep. Sorry it took so long and I will def. get some pics up soon!
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